P1070134 Door to François I's gallery
Door to François I's gallery
img_7535 François I's gallery - carved door.
François I's gallery - carved door.
img_7541 François I's gallery: built in 1528 under François the first to link his royal apartments to the chapel. The salamander is François the...
François I's gallery: built in 1528 under François the first to link his royal apartments to the chapel. The salamander is François the…
img_7545 Wooden ceiling.
Wooden ceiling.
P1070137 Frescoes by Rosso Fiorentino (a disciple of Michaelangelo) and later by Primatice.
Frescoes by Rosso Fiorentino (a disciple of Michaelangelo) and later by Primatice.
IMG_0719 Fresco.
IMG_0723 Fresco.
P1070139 Fresco (20th century).
Fresco (20th century).
IMG_0724 Fresco (20th century).
Fresco (20th century).
IMG_0727 François I.
François I.
